Today is the day, the day when a bunch of gamers from my guild from across the country are all converging on Vegas for a weekend filled with face-to-facetime, geeky injokes, debauchery, gambling and, above all, the face-to-face meeting of various and sundry people normally only known through guildchat, forums, and Ventrilo.
I canapos;t believe how excited I am, I could hardly sleep last night, I woke up two hours earlier than normal this morning and couldnapos;t get back to sleep. Either it was because Iapos;m really, really anticipating the weekend or Iapos;m coming down with a cold.
Iapos;m nervous, too, and I donapos;t know if itapos;s because I donapos;t know whatapos;s going to happen this weekend, or if itapos;s because Iapos;m going to have to fly to Vegas. I donapos;t hate flying, but I do dread it. I try to stiff-upper-lip it, but really, it scares me shitless when the plane starts its climb, and landing is equally nerve-wracking. And the added stress of getting through security doesnapos;t help. Will I get selected for a random strip-search? Will my carryon be too big? Am I somehow on a terrorist watch-list due to some forgotten comment or event in my past?
And once I get in Vegas, oh, the boys Will I be able to grope everyone Iapos;ve been wanting to grope for all these years? That is the question that preoccupies me most. How full is my dance card?
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